Black Friday Deals Won’t Fix You—Here’s What Will

It's Black Friday! AKA - the most expensive day of the year for some of us.

As a recovering perfectionist and people pleaser (yes I am included in this category), Black Friday can feel like a battlefield. It’s easy to get sucked into the frenzy of “deals” and feel the pressure to buy, buy, buy—whether it’s because everyone else is doing it, or because you think “I should be getting this for others, or for myself, or because I’ll be missing out.” The guilt sets in. You worry you’ll let someone down if you don’t get the perfect gift, or that you’re not being a good enough friend, sister, or daughter if you don’t keep up with the latest trends.

But here’s the truth: the worth of who you are can’t be found in a sale, a shiny new gadget, or even the most thoughtful gift you can buy. Your value is already intrinsic. It’s not measured by how much you spend or how well you perform in the consumer-driven circus that is Black Friday. And yet, the constant bombardment of ads and social media posts can make it feel like we’re somehow falling short if we don’t partake.

I can recall many times when I have gotten the perfect gift for a loved one, only to be left feeling disappointed when they didn't give me an over-the-top reaction. I have found myself in the thought spiral thinking, "This was such a thoughtful gift, why didn't they appreciate me more for this?".

It’s important to take a step back and ask yourself: What am I really trying to fill with this purchase? Is it an emptiness I feel about myself, my relationships, or my worth? Or is it a genuine desire to give from a place of love—not obligation? Recovering from perfectionism means recognizing when you're trying to earn love or validation through material things. True worth comes from within, and no sale can change that.

Tip of the Day: Today, try focusing on one thing you already have that brings you joy or serves you well, and take a moment to appreciate it. Notice how it feels to give yourself permission to be enough without needing anything new.

Journal Prompt: What emotional need do I often try to fill by shopping or buying things? How can I address that need in a healthier way?

You don’t need to buy anything to prove you’re worthy. Your worth is already unshakeable.

With love and encouragement,


Monica Kovach

Monica is the Founder and Designer at Hold Space Creative. She's a former Art Therapist and coach, and she's passionate about making mental healthcare more accessible by helping therapists & coaches present themselves in a more accessible way. She's based in Michigan, and when she's not designing websites, she can usually be found somewhere in nature.

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